You thought you'd be out on the street by now, kicking some type of kickball. Didn't you?
Oh, yes, you did. Right under that big sign reading "No Kickball."
The situation seems endless and, like everything else on The Earth, Blackball programming is indefinitely cancelled.
However, as you can see from the photo, we are using the time productively. For one thing, we have embarked on a tooth-and-nail fight for more funding.
Funding. Yay.
Another up-side of the Covid-19 pandemic is that it lets all of us delve deeply into our own resources of creativity, and they really
are endless.
What's this? Your Minimoog is MIA? That is so not a problem in the digital age. This free online synth Midi City lets you select and play a range of sweet synth and drum sounds from your computer keyboard. You may access it
And when you need a break from the breakbeats, read this kick-derriere
article about encouraging girls and women to explore electronic music for themselves.
As Fatboy Slim * has so often and wisely said, "we've come a long, long way together..."
* Well, Camille Yarbrough, really.